Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gettting caught up!

Well as yal notice i haven't been lately blogging at all, I like miss all of the good holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas and any other holidays that i got to eat on. I kinda forgot that i had a blog because i hadn't been on in like FOREVER!! and no dessa I'm not still falling for fall if you wanna know lol. Well i plan on keeping up with this and i think I'm go head and tell yal about Christmas and thanksgiving. Well more importantly i got report cards and exam grades i would have all A's but yo already know Mrs. Siebold just gotta be difficult and give me a B. Which was a 92 she could just given me my 3 points that she "apparently forgot." But i didn't really bother me because i got a 97 on her exam and i was really excited about that.But yeah i just been really really busy and i plan to keep my little blog updated lol!!!